Latest News 3 Feb 2025
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Learning Resource Centre (LRC)
Opening Times: 08.00am - 4:30pm.
Homework sessions run daily from 3:30 to 4:30pm. Please check the daily notices for any changes to these arrangements.
Issuing Times: 08.00am - 4:30pm
The LRC resources are regularly evaluated and withdrawn as necessary to:
- Keep stock relevant to the National Curriculum and broader curriculum.
- Support the aims and objectives of the school and the school’s policies on Equal Opportunities, multi-cultural/anti-racist and gender/anti-sexist issues.To display stock that is attractive and relevant to students so that they are encouraged to read and learn.
Information for Students
The Hawkins Learning Resource Centre is the main school library and occupies a central position on the first floor of the school next to the Staffroom.
There is seating for 48 students; 30 seats at custom-built computer benching and 18 seats at tables.
Students are welcome in the Hawkins LRC before and after school, and during break and lunch. 6th Formers are also able to access the LRC during their free study periods. This information may vary throughout the school year.
The LRC supports the Inclusion Faculty, English and Maths Departments with specialised interventions, book clubs, and homework support.
Accessit Web App
Please use the link to connect to Accessit online where students can log into to search for resources, reserve books, write reviews, etc
Book Issue System
All resources are catalogued and issued using the OLIVER automated library system.
- Students do not need a Library Card to borrow books
- Students may borrow a total of 2 fiction books and 2 non- fiction books at one time
- If students have outstanding loans, they cannot borrow new books until the old ones are returned.
- Books are issued for a period of three weeks.
- There is no fine on overdue books, but a warning and detention system is in place.
- When books are returned, they must be given to the LRC Manager or student assistants so that they can be cleared from the computer records. Returned books MUST NOT be put back on the shelves or the returns trolley.
Hawkins LRC is run as a free access Library to ensure that all students can use resources without fear of monetary fines.
Fiction Books
Opening Times: 08.00am - 4:30pm.
Homework sessions run daily from 3:30 to 4:30pm. Please check the daily notices for any changes to these arrangements.
Issuing Times: 08.00am - 4:30pm
The LRC resources are regularly evaluated and withdrawn as necessary to:
- Keep stock relevant to the National Curriculum and broader curriculum.
- Support the aims and objectives of the school and the school’s policies on Equal Opportunities, multi-cultural/anti-racist and gender/anti-sexist issues.To display stock that is attractive and relevant to students so that they are encouraged to read and learn.
Non Fiction (information) Books
Non-fiction books are arranged on the shelves in the centre of the LRC according to the Dewey Decimal System (i.e. by number). The LRC has a large selection of non-fiction books (approx. 7000) covering all aspects of the National Curriculum and areas of general interest.
There is a comprehensive Reference section comprising three encyclopaedias (Britannica, Colliers and World Book), numerous dictionaries, thesauruses, atlases and a set of Dorling Kindersley Eyewitness Guides.
The LRC has 30 networked computers so that whole classes are able to use the LRC for research purposes and sixth form students are able to use them for private study. There are two full-time IT technicians available for technical support.
There is a black and white printer available for students to use. Students are allocated a number of credits each year for printing.
The following set of expectations and rules are designed to allow all students to use the LRC successfully and enjoyably.
- Students should enter the LRC in silence.
- Bags must be placed tidily under desks and tables.
- Students should work in silence.
- When selecting books, students should do so in a manner that does not disturb other users in the LRC.
- Students should ask staff for help if required.
- Books should always be returned tidily to their correct places on the shelves.
- Mobile phones are not allowed.
- Eating, drinking (including bottled water) and chewing gum are not allowed.
- The same rules that apply to the use of computers throughout the school, also apply to the use of the LRC computers. They should only be used for school work.
- When students have finished working in the LRC, they should pack up and leave quietly and push their chairs under the tables.
- Students should act with courtesy and consideration to others at all times and keep the LRC clean and tidy so that it is a welcoming place of which everyone can all be proud