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Headteacher's Information for Parents
Please note all communications below are sent via email.
Thursday 19th December 2024
Dear Parents & Carers
I would like to open my end of term correspondence to you by sharing the news that Bishopshalt School is officially the top performing school in the London Borough of Hillingdon for the 2023/2024 GCSE results. We were also the 57th best performing school nationally.
We should all be immensely proud of these achievements; the effort and support that the staff provided for the students in lessons, after school and holiday intervention was commendable. However, the students themselves took every one of our core values seriously and their perseverance has clearly demonstrated the gains that this can bring. On average our students performed in excess of one grade higher than their target across the school, with 89% of students passing both English and Maths.
You can find the full details of how well Bishopshalt has performed on this link.
Our current Y11 and 13 are now progressing towards their final GCSE and A Level exams. Having recently taken their trial exams, it is clear that they are working hard, but they must not be complacent with their studies. You will have recently received information regarding homework and revision during the Christmas break. We recognised that it is important for families to spend time together and for the students to rest and recharge their batteries. However, they will be sitting their final trial exams early in the spring term, therefore they need to keep the momentum with their studies.
May I remind you that the Progress Review meetings take place Thursday 19th from 4:30pm to 7:30pm and Friday 8:30am to 12 noon.
Students do not attend school on Friday 20th December. There are a small number of Year 11 students who have been invited to attend their progress review meetings with their parents on Friday. If you are one of those students, you will have received a letter and email confirming the time of your appointment.
The new term will commence on Tuesday 7th January 2025, all students should attend at the normal start and finish times.
This is our Bright Futures term with the following dates to note:
Thursday 9th January |
Year 13 Parents Evening |
Appointments should be made via the School Cloud |
Monday 13th January |
Year 11 Trial Exams Commence |
Thursday 16th January |
KS3 Targeted Academic Review Parents’ Meeting |
If you are required to make appointments you will be invited to do so via the School Cloud |
Friday 24th January |
Year 11 Trial Exams End |
Wednesday 29th January |
Bright Futures Drop Down Day |
Thursday 6th February |
Year 11 Parents’ Evening |
Appointments should be made via the School Cloud |
Thursday 13th February |
Year 9 Options Evening |
17:00-19:00pm in the Main Hall |
Friday 14th February |
End of Spring Half Term 1 |
I would like to advise parents of an amendment to our calendar for the 2024-2025 school year. The final day of attendance to school for students will be Wednesday 16th July. Progress Review Day will take place on Thursday 17th July with appointments taking place from 8:30am to 3:30pm. We will provide you with further information nearer the time.
Please may I also remind parents of the following:
Absences must be reported before 8:30 by either emailing attendance@bishopshalt.school or calling 01895 233909 and selecting report a student absence
Parents/Carers should not email staff directly. All emails should be sent to office@bishopshalt.hillingdon.sch.uk They will be forwarded to to the relevant members of staff and our aim is to respond to all emails within five working days
Expectations around Mobile Phones at Bishopshalt. Our Policy is Never seen, Never used, Never heard. The only exception to this is under specific direction from a member of staff at Key Stage 4 and 5. . From next term we'll be reserving the right to keep phones for longer periods of time if they are used in a way which undermines the values of our school at any point.
If you need to contact your child(ren) this must be done by phoning the school reception. Students are not permitted to use their phones to contact home for any reason. All communications home will come via the school office or a member of staff
As always, we thank you all for your continued support and cooperation.
We wish all of our families that celebrate a very Merry Christmas and to all others we wish you the peace of the season.
We look forward to welcoming all of our students back to school on 7th January 2025.
Yours sincerely
L McGillicuddy (Mr)
Friday 18th October 2024
Dear Parents & Carers,
As we finish our Love Learning Half Term, I want to thank you again for your continued support and cooperation.
On the back of the summer’s outstanding results, we have continued this year as always in providing your children with an environment that stimulates their love of learning. We have had many trips and activities, as well as clubs and competitions.
I want to congratulate all students that have participated in the many activities and fixtures throughout this half term. Over the half term period with a year 13 History students visiting Berlin to support their learning. A group of our female students are participating in a Netball competition in Disney World Paris. This includes a training camp, competition and finishes off with a day in the theme park.
On Thursday 17th October we hosted our annual Sixth Form Open Evening and welcomed in excess of 700 potential students. Please can we remind our current Year 11 students to submit their applications via the online application form.
I would like to reiterate the school’s position on attendance and leave during term time as notified to all parents on 14th October 2024.
A new National Framework for Penalty Notices for school absence, including unauthorised holiday absence, is being introduced following changes to the law. These new Government regulations will come into effect from 19 August 2024, and we wanted to bring this to your attention now, as it will affect when penalty notices are issued in Hillingdon. We will seek to issue fixed term penalties as outlined in the letter sent which can also be found on the school website.
It is our opinion that consistent and sustained attendance is vital, not only to a student’s final outcomes in GCSE and A Level examinations but also to instilling good practices that will be carried forward into their working lives.
From next half term, in order to support teachers and have consistency across the school, we will be moving to a same day detention for missed Homework across all year groups. As such, students who fail to complete their homework will remain in school until 4:30pm. Where applicable, you will receive notification of this between 2:45 and 3:15pm each day.
Please may I remind you of the forthcoming formal assessment periods for Year 11 and 13 is Monday 18th to Friday 29th November.
The Year 7, 8, 9 10 and 12 assessment period is Monday 25th November to Friday 6th December. Timetables and information have been shared with parents via email earlier this week and can also be found on the school website.
Important dates for next half term:
Monday 4th November Staff Training Day - Students do not attend
Tuesday 5th November All students return to school for normal registration
Thursday 5th December Year 11 Parents’ Evening (via the School Cloud)
Wednesday 18th December Seasonal Performing Arts Concert
Thursday 19th December Progress Review Meetings (4:30 to 7:30pm)
Friday 20th December Progress Review Meeting (8:30 to 11:30am)
Students do not attend on this day
Please may we remind you that all calendar information can be found on the school website
With the colder and wetter weather now well upon us, we would like to remind you that students will need to arrive at school with a coat and the correct uniform and shoes. Students are aware that they are not permitted to wear their hoods on the school grounds unless it is raining, and then hoods must only be up outside, not in the building. Our expectations within our Behaviour for Learning Policy
Finally, on 24th October, the GCSE national school’s data will be released to the public forum. You will be able to view Bishopshalt on this link. We are exceptionally proud of our Year 11 and 13 cohort 2023/24 cohort, last years’ Year 13 data will not be public until early 2025. The outcomes are testament to the student’s and the staff's hard work and effort throughout their journey with us.
To our families celebrating Diwali on Monday 21st October and Bandi Chhor Divas on Friday 1st November, we wish you all celebrations that bring happiness, prosperity and joy to you and all your family.
We wish all of our students and their families a restful half term holiday, we look forward to welcoming them back on Tuesday 5th November 2024 for our Show Kindness term.
Yours faithfully
L McGillicuddy (Mr)
Thursday 18th July 2024
Dear Parents’ & Carers
As we close this academic year, I write today to thank you for your support and cooperation throughout the year and also to advise you of some important changes for the academic year 2024-2025.
It has been an exceptionally busy, and successful year. We are very proud of our Year 11 and 13 students, who took their National Examinations in May and June. Over 4000 exams were sat at school, and we are very much looking forward to celebrating and sharing their success in August when the results are released.
Beyond examinations we have had a year full of wider opportunities and experiences provided to students. These have included multiple residential trips, work experience for Year 10 and Year 12, Sporting fixtures and outstanding performances put on at school. It has been a fantastic year for students not only doing well academically but also chasing brilliance in various fields. Just yesterday we held our second Bishopshalt Culture day. Students across the school shared their cultures with each other, learned about other cultures and came together as a real community.
As always we thank the parents and caregivers more widely for your support. Attendance to school is over 3% above the national average and back to where we were pre-covid. This demonstrates that we continue to be a school in which children feel safe and want to be. This is echoed through the increase of applications for both Year 7 and Year 12 next year. We will be looking to expand our work with the parent body next year, and welcome any expressions of interest for parents wishing to contribute more widely to the school.
Bishopshalt continues to strive to continually improve in all aspects of our provision. As such I want to alert you to some alterations to various alterations to our school expectations for next year, or which all are designed to improve the experience of school for all within the community.
As always we reflect on our performance and how we can provide a better educational experience for all students. As such I would like to remind you and draw your attention to the following Policies and expectations that will be in effect from September.
- Behaviour for Learning Policy.
- Parent Code of Conduct
- Uniform Expectations
- Please see the following sections of the Behaviour for Learning Policy
- 7.4
- 16 - Appendix 1
- Please see the following sections of the Behaviour for Learning Policy
- Phones in School
- Energy & Fizzy Drinks
- Energy and fizzy drinks are not permitted. They must not be consumed prior to or whilst at school - these will be confiscated and disposed of. This will result in a one hour detention.
- Bringing the School into Disrepute
- As you are aware, the reputation of the school amongst our neighbours and the wider community is extremely important. We would like to remind parents and students that poor behaviour or any incidents that bring the school into disrepute will not be tolerated. Any student who does so will be sanctioned accordingly.
- Changes to Key Stage 3 Parents’ Evenings
- From September we will be holding Key Stage 3 Targeted Review meetings. This will enable the school to address concerns in a more appropriate manner as opposed to parents being required to speak to all subject areas.
- Religion in School
- Please note Bishopshalt School is a non-faith fully inclusive setting. Whilst we are supportive of all religions, we ask that parents to note that all students are required to fully participate in the curriculum at all times. The only exception to this is in accordance with the RSE Policy parents may request to withdraw their child from sex education. This may be done by completing and submitting the form contained within the policy document, which can be found in the Key Information area of the school website.
Please see the links below for the Parent Calendars
Key Stage 3 (Y7-9)
Key Stage 4
Key Stage 5
Whilst we endeavour to ensure that all parents are advised in advance of events and meetings, please note that sometimes throughout the year events are added, we therefore strongly recommend that parents visit the Bishopshalt website on a regular basis to ensure they are aware of any forthcoming events or telephone the school office if you need further details.
Bishopshalt Experience
We will continue to be committed to not only providing students with excellent educational outcomes, but we also strive to provide students with cultural and wider opportunities. Next year we are formalising this through a more aligned curriculum entitled the Bishopshalt Experience. This will include our current Drop Down Days, the Tutor Time Programme, our trips and visits, our sporting activities, House competitions as well as more formalised lessons in both Year 7 and 12.
School will reopen to students as follows:
Wednesday 4th September 2024
Year 7 – Induction Day from 9:00am to 2:00pm. Includes, School Photo, Collection of Biometrics for Parent Pay. The Y7 - Year Ahead Meeting will take place from 2:00pm followed by the opportunity for parents to meet their child’s Form Tutor and other key pastoral staff.
Year 12 - Induction afternoon. Students attend 12:00pm to 15:30pm
Thursday 5th September 2024
All students return to school with registration commencing at 8:30am.
We look forward to welcoming all of our students back in September and wish each of them a lovely summer holiday.
Thank you to all parents for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
L McGillicuddy
Thursday 4th July 2024
Dear Parents & Carers
As you are aware we're rapidly approaching the final two weeks of this academic year. We will be providing the Parent Calendar and further information for the start of the new academic year in the near future.
Cucina, the school catering provider have asked us to share a this letter with you.
On Monday 8th July the appointments for Progress Review will go live on the School Cloud at 8:00am. Please ensure that you log into https://bishopshalt.schoolcloud.co.uk/ to book an appointment to speak to your child/children's Form Tutor so that you can discuss their progress throughout the year. The appointments will take place Thursday 8th 4:30 to 7:30pm and Friday 19th 8:30am to noon. We really hope that you will take this opportunity as only by working cooperatively can we ensure the brightest of futures for all of our students.
We have a packed run up to the holidays with the following taking place alongside all of the day to day lessons!
Matilda! - Tuesday 9th & Wednesday 10th July 7:00pm (Information here)
Chase Brilliance Drop Down Day will take place on Monday 15th July
This will incorporate our Sports Day as well as other activities. All students to arrive to school in their PE kit (Y12 may wear black/navy sports wear). There will be gazebos and areas available for shade however students should also bring:
- Refillable Water bottles
- Hats
- Sunscreen
- Gazebos available for shade
Culture Day - Wednesday 17th July
Year 7-10 Students come to school in their normal uniform, if they wish to change into cultural clothing they will be permitted to do so at breaktime. Year 12 may wear their cultural attire if they wish to do so.
The lessons will be themed for Period 1/2. From breaktime onwards there will be a variety of cultural based events such as experiencing different languages, art, food making, music culminating in students being able to choose to participate in a cultural fashion show or football tournament.
Creative Arts Exhibition - Wednesday 17th July 5:00-6:30pm (information here)
House Winners Party - Thursday 18th July Period 5.
Our 100% attendance students will be celebrated with a cinema trip on Thursday 18th July.
With holidays in mind please see the this Summer Plans document for information on local area holiday activities and food programme.
Finally, please be reminded that on Friday 18th July students do not attend school as it is Progress Review.
We hope that you will be able to attend Matilda and our Creative Arts Exhibition to support our wonderful students.
King regards
Mr McGillicuddy, Headteacher
Tuesday 18th June 2024
We wanted to draw to your attention that applications are now open for The Tashan Daniel Award.
The bursary award scheme supports young residents to achieve their ambitions in sport, culture (theatre, dance, crafts, literature, multidisciplinary arts, music, visual arts) and education.
It is open to Hillingdon residents up to the age of 21 years old and provides funding up to £2,000 per successful applicant, per year.
Tashan is a former student of Bishopshalt School and we are sure that many of you will remember that his life was tragically taken in September 2019 at Hillingdon Tube station. This award honours his life and the ambitions he was never able to fulfil.
You can find details of the scheme here The Tashan Daniel Award
Thursday 28th March 2024
Dear Parents & Carers
Thank you to all of our parents and carers who have engaged with the Progress Review Meetings and more recently the Year 11 and 13 Parents’ Evenings. Our data clearly demonstrates the importance of parental involvement in a student's final outcomes, as only by working together can we hope for the brightest of futures for all of our children.
With the Easter break upon us, I want to remind parents of Year 11 and 13 students that this cannot be seen as a time to rest, but an opportunity to study and prepare for the summer exams which begin in earnest in the week commencing 6th May. Many of your children have already completed big sections of their qualifications, for example in Coursework/NEAs or live performances.
As you will be aware, Year 11 and 13 students have been provided with a recommended homework timetable for the Easter holidays. We are also running targeted intervention throughout the holiday period. Students who have been asked to attend these sessions will have received a letter outlining when they are expected to be in school and we ask that parents support this by ensuring that students are attending. We also hope that students will find time to rest and recuperate in preparation for the term ahead. To have a 'Bright Future' this break needs to be focused and full of revision.
The half term has not only focussed on our examination groups, the end of term assessments have taken place for all year groups and have demonstrated some very pleasing effort and commitment from our cohort. All of our students now have the opportunity to have a well-deserved break.
Looking ahead to next term, I remind all students of the importance of silence around exam spaces; we must always ‘Show Kindness’ to our peers, and never more important to do so whilst they are sitting their public exams.
We anticipate that when students return to school on Tuesday 16th April, hopefully the weather will be much improved. With this in mind, please may I remind you of some uniform and general expectations:
- Skirts must be knee length for lower school students and an appropriate length for 6th Form students. We are increasingly seeing very short skirts which we have tolerated as students are wearing opaque tights. It is not appropriate school wear to have a short skirt and bare legs.
- Long sleeved undervests are not part of the school uniform. If a student is wearing a short sleeved shirt they should have bare arms.
- All students are required to wear their blazers unless specifically directed to remove them. They should not be wearing a coat as a substitute for their blazer
- We strongly recommend that all students bring a reusable water bottle to school which they can refill throughout the day from the water fossetts. It is both much cheaper than buying bottled water and better for the environment.
- If your child suffers with hay fever, please ensure that they are taking their medication before they come to school each day. We are unable to provide antihistamines and there isn’t any treatment that the school can administer
Finally, please may I ask you to work with the school and reiterate to our students the importance of good behaviour both in school and when in the local community. We have had far too many reports of discourteous behaviour when students are on their way home. I am positive that this is not how you want your children to behave when they are not in school or with you. We have, and will continue to sanction any behaviour that brings the school into disrepute.
Again, we thank you for your support and cooperation in the period January to date; it has been a very productive 'Build Character' Term. I’d like to congratulate all students on the last round of assessments, and a particular note to all students who have been awarded either a Gold Star, House Badge or Subject Badge for next term. Well done on your academic and personal achievements, we hope that you will continue to keep up the good work and effort.
To all our community regardless of faith, I wish you all a blessed holiday and may your celebrations be filled with joy. I hope all of our students have a well-deserved break and come back rejuvenated for the new term.
Friday 12th January 2024
Dear Parents & Carers
Please be advised that we have reviewed the school calendar and there have been some minor amendments with the following changes:
Year 13 Virtual Parents Evening - Thursday 14th March
Year 11 Virtual Parents Evening - Thursday 21st March
We will notify parents via text message when the appointments are open for booking on the School Cloud - https://bishopshalt.schoolcloud.co.uk
As you will be aware, the during the term time we run a wide range of activities, Drop Down Days etc, for further details of what has taken place, you can also find links to the Better Bishopshalter Notices HERE
As part of our PSHE programme a wide range of topics are covered as per the school's statutory requirements. Please also be reminded that the Bishopshalt School Policy for Relationship & Sex Education can be found on the school website. If you wish for your child to be disapplied for PSHE lessons containing sex and relationship information, you must ensure that you complete the form in this policy and submit it to either zbermingham@bishopshalt.school or print and ask you child to bring it to the Main Office, Room 1, at the school.
Thank you for your continued cooperation and support.
Bishopshalt School
Thursday 14th December 2023
Dear Parents & Carers
I write today to thank each of you for your continued support and cooperation throughout this term. Only by working together can we ensure that our students achieve so as to secure the brightest of futures.
As you will know from my previous messages through this term we have held Drop Down Days, Open Evenings, public exams, assessments, trips, sports fixtures, BODs productions and a plethora of super curricular activities whilst also providing excellent teaching and learning within the classroom. It has been a fantastic start to the academic year.
Some of the highlights of this term's events have been the House Competitions. I am sure your children would have told you that at the start of this year we introduce staff Head of Houses and throughout this term they have been running lots of different events, embedding a culture of teamwork and spirit.
We have had many sporting, cultural and academic competitions, but for me the highlight has been the University Challenge. Key Stage teams of students competed over a course of 10 days, house to house, culminating in the grand finals for each Key Stage. It has been an absolute pleasure watching the students compete and observe. Congratulations to all who were involved.
I would also like to take this opportunity to inform you of some significant national changes to attendance. It is well established that one of the cornerstones of a student's success at school is their attendance to school.
There is a direct correlation between academic achievement and attendance. Whilst we are pleased that attendance at Bishopshalt is well above the national average, we must insist that students aim to have 100% attendance. Whilst the majority of our students have outstanding attendance, where there are attendance issues the school will be following these up with rigour and fines will be issued accordingly. You can find our Attendance Policy on this link.
As always during my communications with you, I would like to draw to your attention some key dates for next term:
Training Day Students Do Not Attend Tuesday 2nd January
Start of Term All Students Wednesday 3rd January
Year 9 Parents Evening (Virtual) Thursday 11th January
Drop Down Day - Bright Futures Wednesday 24th January
Year 9 Options Evening Thursday 1st February
Half Term Holiday Monday 12th - Friday 16th February
Drop Down Day - Build Character Tuesday 27th February
Year 13 Parents Evening (Virtual) Thursday 29th February
Year 11 Parents’ Evening (Virtual) Thursday 7th March
Spring Reloaded Dance Show Wednesday 20th March
Progress Review 4:30-7:30pm Wednesday 27th March
Progress Review 8:30-11:30am Thursday 28th March
Easter Holiday Friday 29th March to Monday 15th April
For full details of the calendar, please click this link School Calendar
With the colder and wetter weather now well upon us, we would like to remind you that students will need to arrive at school with a coat and the correct uniform and shoes. Students are aware that they are not permitted to wear their hoods on the school grounds unless it is raining, and then hoods must only be up outside, not in the building. Our coat expectations are within our Behaviour for Learning Policy on the school website.
For Year 11 and 13 students, this break is a time to rest and rejuvenate, however it is not a time to completely stop their school work. It is imperative that students continue working and preparing for the February assessments, as the more prepared we are for the run into exams, the better their summer will be, and the brighter their future. When we return in January, we will be holding the school open till 5pm for intervention and independent study for Year 11 and 13.
Please note that the school will now be closed to students until Wednesday 3rd January, and as stated above we have a lot to look forward to. Staff will not respond to emails over the holiday period. If do you have an urgent safeguarding concern please email office@bishopshalt.hillingdon.sch.uk, all other communications will be responded to when we return to school.
I hope that you all have a wonderful break with your children, and if you celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah we wish you the peace of the season and a blessed New Year.
Thank you again for your support and cooperation,
Yours sincerely
L McGillicuddy (Mr)
Thursday 3rd November 2023
Dear Parents & Carers
I do hope that your children had a wonderful half term break and are looking forward to the 'Show Kindness Term' ahead.
As you will be aware from my previous correspondence at the start of the new academic year, I informed you that following the results in August 2023, Bishopshalt School had received its best ever GCSE outcomes and I would provide you with more information. I am therefore very pleased that now the National School Performance Tables have been released I can share this with you.
As I am sure you are aware, the Progress 8 score is based on grades achieved at the end of Year 11, comparing students to both their KS2 SAT scores and all schools nationally.
Last academic year Bishopshalt's Progress 8 score was +0.88, placing it in the top 2% of schools nationally and first within Hillingdon. These results improved on last year (+0.67), which to that point was the best result Bishopshalt had ever achieved.
What is most pleasing however is that whereas nationally boys do worse than girls, and that Pupil Premium students do not as well, at Bishopshalt we do not have a gap between cohorts. Boys achieved +.91 and Pupil Premium students achieved +.90.
All students and teachers should be very proud of their achievements. We do expect a lot from our students, and from parental support, and it is so pleasing to see the impact that this is having on their results.
At this current time, our Year 11 and 13 cohorts are all working very hard and are committed to achieving their very best outcomes in the forthcoming assessments and ultimately their final exams next summer.
As a school, as always, we will now endeavour to continue to improve and be a little each day and do all we can to give our students the brightest of futures.
Key Dates for Autumn Term 2
Tuesday 7th November - Year 12 Virtual Parents' Evening - appointments should be made via https://bishopshalt.schoolcloud.co.uk/
Friday 10th November - Show Kindness Drop Down Day
Thursday 23rd November - Year 11 Virtual Parents' Evening - appointments should be made via https://bishopshalt.schoolcloud.co.uk/
Thursday 30th November to Saturday 1st December - BODS Production - SCHOOL OF ROCK - Tickets now on sale.
Wednesday 13th December - Carol Concert 7:00pm to 9:30pm
Thursday 14th December - Progress Review 4:30-7:30pm
Friday 15th December - Progress Review 9:00am -12:00pm students do not attend school on this day.
Assessments - Year 11/13
Week Commencing 13th November & 20th November
Assessments - Year 7/8/9/10/12
Week Commencing 20th November to 1st December
I continue to be very appreciative of the support you show your children and the school.
Yours faithfully
L McGillicuddy (Mr)
Friday 29th September 2023
Dear Parents & Carers
It does not seem possible that we are already halfway through the first half term of this academic year.
I am delighted to inform you that as a school, Bishopshalt, is very pleased with the results our students achieved last year. They are the best GCSE results the school has ever achieved, and this is testament to the hard work and high expectations that we hold as a school. When the data is released formally through the Government channels we will write again. For now, it is wonderful to see our Year 12 and 13 students, who have both set record results in Year 11, chasing bright futures.
During these first weeks of the academic year, we have welcomed our new Year 7 and external 12 students. Our Year 7 parents have been into the school to attend induction and the Year Ahead information events. All of the Year 12 students have been inducted and are now settling into their courses; our Sixth Form admissions are now closed for this academic year.
On the 12th September Bishopshalt held our annual Open Evening for prospective students wishing to join Year 7 in September 2024, welcoming over 600 family’s to our school. On Thursday 12th October we will be holding our Sixth Form Open Evening, beginning the admissions process over again!
With regard to Year 7 September 2024 admissions, if you have a Year 6 sibling of a student that currently attends Bishopshalt, please be reminded that you need to provide proof of the sibling relationship. You must supply a full birth certificate for both the child you are applying for and the child already at Bishopshalt and these must show both parents’ names. This supplementary information must be submitted by Friday 13th October 2023. The birth certificates can be brought to the main office or scanned and emailed to cbrown@bishopshalt.school or brought to Room 1.
Please see the ‘Admissions’ section of the school’s website to see if you are eligible for a sibling place.
As mentioned previously, the Year Ahead - Y7 took place earlier this term. As we are conscious of family commitments, especially during the early evenings, rather than having evening meetings for KS3 and 4 we have produced presentations which have been previously sent, are on the school website and below:
Our Year 13 students have begun their preparations for their final exams having sat UCAS assessments last week. Their outcomes will be discussed with parents at the forthcoming Year 13 Parents’ Evening.
Year 10 will begin their GCSE’s with their English - Speaking and Listening exams taking place from Monday 25th September to Friday 13th October. Full details of the preparation and times for these exams are available on the students Google Classroom.
With the colder and wetter weather approaching, we would like to remind you that students will need to arrive at school with a coat. Students are aware that they are not permitted to wear their hoods on the school grounds unless it is raining, and then hoods must only be up outside, not in the building. Our coat expectations are within our Behaviour for Learning Policy on the school website.
If you need assistance with school uniform, coats, stationary etc., please contact The School Uniform Bank at The Salvation Army, 16b Cowley Road, Uxbridge UB8 2LT. Equally, if you have any good quality uniform or coats that no longer fit your children, please donate them to either the Salvation Army or the school.
Finally, may I also remind of key dates for the remainder of this half term:
Friday 29th September Year 11 Ypres Trip
Tuesday 3rd October Year 13 Parents’ Evening
Thursday 5th October Drop Down Day - Love Learning
Thursday 12th October 6th Form Open Evening - a key event for all Year 11 Students
Friday 13th October End of Half Term
Monday 16th to Friday 27th October Half Term Holiday
Monday 30th October Inset Day - Students Do Not Attend School
Tuesday 31st October Start of Autumn Term 2
As always, I thank you all for your continued cooperation and support and look forward to sharing this year’s exam results in the near future.
L McGillicuddy (Mr)
Thursday 20th July 2023
Dear Parents & Carers
I am writing today to thank you for your continued support throughout this academic year.
I have now completed my fourth year as Headteacher of this wonderful school and I can honestly say that with each year the honour I feel grows. I continue to be proud to be a part of our wonderful Bishopshalt community.
We always aim to be a little better each day, and each year. This year has been no different. There have been so many highlights from welcoming our new Year 7 and 12 cohorts back in September to seeing the Year 11 and 13 sit their public exams, completing the respective stages of their education. I felt honoured to witness all of the hard work and commitment put in by the students and the staff...
Through every day and each term we seek to embody the core values of our school, Love Learning, Show Kindness Brighter Futures, Build Character and Chase Brilliance.
Bishopshalt is above all else a place for learning, however this year I am very pleased with the co-curricular activities we have put in place for our students to learn outside of the academic curriculum. We have had Drop Down Days, overseas trips, careers based activities, BODs, Spring Reloaded, Maths Challenge, Sports Day, Creative Arts and Performance exhibition and our Year 11 and 13 celebration events amongst many others. This week we held the fabulous Culture Day that clearly demonstrated and celebrated the diversity and wealth of our student and staff community. It was humbling to see so many of our students proud of their heritage and culture.
Last month we held the NASA assembly celebrating the return of our school Fidelis badge. The badge had spent 42 days in outer space being proudly worn by Astronaut Stephanie Wilson as part of a mission. As part of the celebration of its return students were able to send six questions to NASA, one from each house, and Astronaut Wilson provided us with a pre-recorded presentation about the badges journey and answered our questions. It was an honour for all of us to be part of this event.
We are pleased to announce that this year’s house winner is for the second year in a row, Cranmer. The winning house students spent period 5 on Tuesday celebrating their victory. In the new academic year we will be enhancing our House System, as each house now has a Head of House who is a member of our teaching staff. We are looking forward to a greater emphasis on teamwork, competition and camaraderie.
Looking to the academic year 2023/2024, it will commence on Monday 4th September with our new Year 7 and Year 12 students attending for the Induction Day.
The whole school will return on Tuesday 5th September with registration at the normal time of 8:30am, please ensure that students are in site by 8:25am,
You can find the link to the Parents’ Calendar here, this will provide you with full information for arrangements for the terms. We ask you to note all key dates which can also be found on the school website
I look forward to writing to you again early in the new academic year to advise you of our Year 11 and 13 cohorts final outcomes.
In the meantime, I wish you and all of our students a wonderful summer holiday and I look forward to welcoming each and every one of them back in September.
Yours sincerely
L McGillicuddy (Mr)
Friday 24th February 2023
Dear Parents/Carers
Re: Planned strike action by the National Education Union (NEU) - Thursday 2nd March 2023
You will be aware from media coverage that the National Education Union (NEU) has declared strike action, which is currently planned to take place in our region, on:
• Thursday 2nd March 2023
• Wednesday 15th March 2023
• Thursday 16th March 2023
The strikes are happening because of a national dispute between the NEU and the Government over teachers’ pay and the impact of funding on schools over a number of years. The Government is engaging in talks with the NEU, so we will be waiting for any update on the current position with regards to the planned strike action depending on the outcome of those talks.
Members of the NEU are not required to let us know in advance whether they intend to be away from school.
Please note, Bishopshalt will be open for Year 11 and 13, as well as the students who were previously identified as Key Worker students and who have been notified of their place for this day.
We are conscious that continued attendance is important for all students. However, if the numbers of teaching staff striking means that we cannot safely keep the school open for everyone, and in line with the Department for Education’s advice on ‘Handling Strike Action in Schools,’ should we need to either fully or partially close, we will apply the principles set out in the DfE’s emergency planning and response guidance by giving priority to vulnerable children and young people and children of critical workers (Annex A and B at Emergency planning and response for education, childcare, and children’s social care settings October 2022 (publishing.service.gov.uk. We will ensure that there is a lunchtime meal available for those students in school.
I am therefore giving you advanced notice, that if your child is not in Year 11, 13 or has not been identified for a Key Worker place, you need to identify a place of safety where your child can go for the day.
I am sorry that you may have to make alternative arrangements for your child at short notice, and that they may experience further disruption to their education but hope that communicating the uncertainty of the situation at this stage will enable you time to make arrangements.
I understand that this situation may be frustrating for you and I would like to reassure you that Bishopshalt School remains committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our students.
I will notify you as soon as possible if or when I know further details and hope that a resolution can be reached between the NEU and the Government as swiftly as possible.
Yours sincerely
L McGillicuddy (Mr)
Friday 20 January 2023
Dear Parents/Carers
You may be aware from media coverage that the National Education Union (NEU) has
declared strike action, which is currently planned to take place in our region, on:
• Wednesday 1st February 2023
• Thursday 2nd March 2023
• Wednesday 15th March 2023
• Thursday 16th March 2023
The strikes are happening because of a national dispute between the NEU and the
Government over teachers’ pay and the impact of funding on schools over a number of
years. The Government is engaging in talks with the NEU, so we will be waiting for any update on the current position with regards to the planned strike action depending on the outcome of those talks.
Members of the NEU are not required to let us know in advance whether they intend to
be away from school.
Bishopshalt will be open for Year 11 and 13. Students in these year groups are
required to attend as normal.
We will also be open to students identified below, as a minimum throughout these strike days. We are conscious that continued attendance is important for all students. However, if the numbers of teaching staff striking means that we cannot safely keep the school open for everyone, and in line with the Department for Education’s advice on ‘Handling Strike Action in Schools,’ should we need to either fully or partially close, we will apply the principles set out in the DE’s emergency planning and response guidance by giving priority to vulnerable children and young people and children of critical workers (Annex A and B at Emergency planning and response for education, childcare, and children’s social care settings October 2022 (publishing.service.gov.uk)). We will ensure that there is a lunchtime meal available for
those students in school.
I am therefore giving you advanced notice, if you do not meet any of the criteria above, to please identify a place of safety where your child can go for the day.
We will communicate separately and directly with those parents/carers who have
responsibility for children deemed vulnerable early next week. If parents/carers employed as critical workers wish for their child to be in school over any of the proposed strike days please complete this Google Form.
I am sorry that you may have to make alternative arrangements for your child at short notice, and that they may experience further disruption to their education but hope that communicating the uncertainty of the situation at this stage will enable you time to make arrangements. I understand that this situation may be frustrating for you and I would like to reassure you that Bishopshalt School remains committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our students.
I will notify you as soon as possible if or when I know further details and hope that a
resolution can be reached between the NEU and the Government as swiftly as possible.
Yours sincerely
L McGillicuddy (Mr)
Wednesday 19th October 2022
Dear Parents & Carers
I’d firstly like to thank you all for your continued support and cooperation so far, this academic year. It has been a wonderful start to the school year; the school has been brimming with confidence following last year's academic results. There have been many highlights during our ‘Love Learning’ term, from the many trips and extracurricular activities, to our potential Medics and Oxbridge candidates completing UCAS. It has also been wonderful welcoming the new Year 7 cohort, and Year 12 students into the Bishopshalt community. They have been warmly welcomed by their peers. Our next Better Bishopshalt notices will shed more light on what has been a fantastic half-term.
With regard to last year's results, as promised in my first letter to you earlier this term, I am very happy to share with you the validated results which alongside all schools will be publicly available from Thursday 20th September.
The summer 2022 results were the best results Bishopshalt has achieved over the last 20 years, where we have comparable statistics.
Year 11 GCSE |
Year 13 A Level |
Progress 8 | +0.66 | Average Grade | B |
Grades 4+ | 91% | A*-B | 35% |
Grades 8+ | 24% | A*-C | 66% |
Grades 7+ | 37% | A*-D | 97% |
These results are testament to the diligence, resilience and determination of our students, as well as all of the staff who worked tirelessly to ensure that our students chased brilliance.
We now look forward to seeing how our current Year 11 and 13 students write their own page in the book that is the history of our wonderful school.
The half term ahead is once again going to be very busy. It is our ‘Show Kindness’ term and there will be many events and activities to provide students with the opportunity to give back to their community.
All students will also sit their Termly assessments. Timetables and the topics to be examined have been shared with parents and are also available on the website.
As we will move into the colder months, I am sure like us, you are increasingly conscious of the cost of heating and power. With this in mind we ask that when it is cold, students wear layers to school, for example a white t-shirt or vest under their school shirt/blouse, a navy v-neck jumper under their blazer, girls wearing skirts should wear a thick denier opaque tights and all students should be wearing a navy or black school coat. Please can we remind you that hoodies or sweatshirt, must not be worn to school. Hoods are not permitted to be worn up anywhere on site unless it is on a coat, the student is outside and it is raining. Please can I also remind you that students should be bringing a filled water bottle to school, hydration is very important to learning all throughout the year.
During the last half-term we have had several complaints from residents and concerns raised from our own staff regarding some unsafe practices when students have been dropped off and collected from school. Our Safer Schools Officer, PC Cox, has attended the area on several occasions and verbal warnings have been issued. We are asking that if you do have to drive to collect or drop your children to school, you should do so in a safe and considerate manner. From next term, anyone caught by the Police breaking the law by stopping on the zebra crossing to let their children out or indeed any other driving offences will be issued with a £100.00 fine and three points will automatically be applied to the driver's licence.
We have had several enquiries with regard to the COVID boosters and administration of the Flu vaccinations. At this time, the NHS School Nurses team have not provided us with any information that schools will be facilitating the administration of these vaccinations. If your child has a medical condition that requires them to receive an early booster, we would strongly recommend that you contact your health provider to arrange this. Should we be advised that the NHS will be in school, we will of course share this information with you at the earliest opportunity.
​I thank you again for your support and cooperation. I wish all of our students and their families and enjoyable half-term holiday and I look forward welcoming students back to school on Tuesday 1st November ready for another successful half-term.
Yours sincerely
L McGillicuddy (Mr)