Use these pages to access information to help you find out more about careers including option choices in Year 9 and pathways after Year 11 or Year 13.
There is a qualified Careers Adviser in school who pupils can meet with for advice and guidance about career pathways. Appointments take place throughout the academic year and students can request a meeting by emailing
Outwith school pupils can call 0800 100 900 for the National Careers Service and use the information portal Prospects
The school's Career Plan for 2024-25 can be found here
Our Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance Policy can be found here
Use the National Careers Week 2024 Interactive Guide to find out more about all things careers...
The Career Lead is Mrs Magee and she can be contacted via email at
Parental Engagement
The school recognises that parental involvement in career planning and decision-making is important for young people and their families so a list of useful links and resources can be found on the right-hand menu.
Employer Engagement
Bishopshalt School is keen to engage with employers to enhance our pupils knowledge and understanding of careers and the world of work so if you are involved with a local business and would like to find out more about volunteering or how we could work together please get in touch using the contact details above.
Teacher Engagement
Teaching staff play an important role in developing pupil knowledge and awareness of careers within their subject areas both as part of the curriculum and the school's Better Bishopshalter programme.