The Appeals Process

Bishopshalt is one of the most oversubscribed schools in the Borough and it is understandable that you may be disappointed at not being offered a place at your preferred school.  If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your application, you have the right to appeal against that decision to an independent appeal panel. 

The appeals panel will consist of at least 3 people, who consider the case put forward by both the appellant and the admission authority.  It comes to an independent conclusion as to whether the admission authority should admit the child.  Appeal panels perform a judicial function and must be independent, impartial and transparent in their decision-making at all times. Its decisions are binding, unless overturned by the courts.

You should think carefully about whether you wish to appeal.  Good grounds for appeal would be, for example:

  • The Admissions Committee failed to properly apply the admissions criteria or failed to follow the published procedure for dealing with admissions rules and regulations

You may decide that you have grounds for appeal other than those set out above, however, you should bear in mind:

  • Applicants are not entitled to a place at a school, merely allowed to express a preference. Disappointment at not being successful in your application to Bishopshalt is not grounds for appeal.
  • there is no guarantee that your appeal will be successful; therefore, if you are appealing for a place at a particular school, you should make arrangements for a place at an alternative school in case your appeal is unsuccessful.
  • accepting a place at another school does not affect your right to appeal for a place at the school you would prefer. 
  • The admissions criteria used to assess applications are those set out in our admissions policy which can be found in the Key Information section of this website.  They are applied strictly, as published, with no exceptions.
  • Our admissions number (PAN) is 186 per year group in years 7 to 11. 
  • Our admissions policy clearly states that the Governors’ can act with discretion in order to assist the LEA (in our case Hillingdon Borough) to comply with its statutory obligations, however, this is without prejudice to the Governors’ intentions to admit no more than our PAN.

The deadline for requesting an Appeal for Year 7 Sept 2025 applications is Friday 28 March 2025. Please request the appeal documentation by contacting the School. 

The deadline to submit paperwork is Tuesday 1 April 2025. Any late school admission appeals for a student place in Bishopshalt School made due to extenuating reasons,  will be considered but these late admission appeals probably will not be heard until after the start of the academic year in September.

Number of appeals held in the last 6 years:

Appeals Logged

Appeals Heard

Appeals Upheld

Appeals Rejected
































Appeal Timetable

Date appeals to be heard

The Appeal Panel will meet and hold the Appeal Hearing approximately 40 school days after the deadline for lodging Appeals.  For Year 7 2025 entry this will be during the week commencing 9 June 2025 (exact date to be confirmed).

Notice of Appeal Hearing

You will be given at least 10 school days notice of the Hearing date.

Submission and Exchange of all paperwork

Documents should be requested from the school no later than 24 March 2025 and must be submitted at least 10 school days before the appeal hearing date.

Deadline for parent(s) / guardian(s) to submit late paperwork

Late paperwork can be submitted up to five school days before the appeal hearing date.  If submitted later the documents may NOT be accepted by panel.

Date for late application appeal hearings

Any late school admission appeals for a student place in Bishopshalt School made due to extenuating reasons,  will be considered but these late admission appeals probably will not be heard until after the start of the academic year in September.

Timescale for the appeal hearing decision

The clerk to the independent appeals panel will aim to post letters outlining your appeal hearing decision within 5 school days of the end of the hearings. This timescale is subject to the volume of appeals, circumstances and conditions.

Parents are strongly encouraged to meet all deadlines as delays may cause unnecessary disruption and complications.