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General Information
The Pupils' Office / Reception
Receptionist: Mrs J Bonner
Welfare Officer: Mrs T Firetto
The office is located at the front of the building, via its own entrance, between the Mansion House and the School Hall/Foyer entrance.
All external visitors must report to reception in the first instance. If a visitor is staying within the building they will be given a Visitors Pass and asked to sign in and out when they leave. Anyone without a pass is likely to be challenged.
Pupils' Office
The purpose of this office is to provide an area where pupils can come for medical help or general advice and sign in/out if coming in after registration and leaving before the end of the school day.
If necessary, this is where parents can leave important messages for their child.
The Pupils' Office is open:
Monday - Friday (term time only) 07.30 - 17.00
To contact the Pupils' Office via telephone please ring 01895 233909 ext 1307.
Heads of Year
Any questions or concerns that you have regarding your child should first be discussed with the relevant Head of Year. All communications for Heads of Year should be sent first of all to office@bishopshalt.hillingdon.sch.uk
Year 7 | Miss T Gumbs |
Year 8 | Miss O Szewczyk |
Year 9 | Mrs P Sykes |
Year 10 | Miss L De Silva |
Year 11 | Mr T Barthorpe |
Year 12 | Miss H Gamble |
Year 13 | Miss H Webber |
Truancy Calls & Reporting Absence
As a school we expect our pupils to maintain an attendance of at least 97%.
If your child is unwell or going to be absent for any reason you should email attendance@bishopshalt.school or telephone the school on 01895 233909 from 07:45am. The school's telephone system will then give you the option to report the absence. Please speak as clearly as possible leaving your child's name and form group.
When they return from illness, you should provide your child with a note which must be taken to the Year Tutors' Office. If your child is ill but feels they can return to school later in the day, they must make sure that they sign into the late book in the Pupils' Office as soon as they arrive in school.
You should also follow this procedure if your child is going to be late, or if your child is attending an appointment. If you know the dates of appointments in advance, they should be emailed to attendance@bishopshalt.school so that they can be pre-coded in our registers. Pupils should also make sure that they sign in the late book in the Pupils' Office as soon as they arrive in school.
If you know your child is likely to be absent for a number of days you can state:
"[Name] is unwell, they should be back in school on [day they are returning]." If you do not leave a message to this effect you will receive a daily call.
Once registers have been run, the late book and answer phone checked, we upload our information to Truancy Call. Any child who has not attended registration, been reported as absent/late or has not signed in late, will then be called via an automated system. This system continues to call until we receive an acknowledgement from the parent. We realise that on some occasions pupils may be in school and attending various clubs etc which means they cannot attend registration and we would ask that you stress the importance of making sure that they have signed in at the Pupils' Office, before they attend their club, so that we know that they are on the school site and you are not called unnecessarily.
Truancy Call is sent to all Year Groups regardless of the pupil's age and it is extremely important that all pupils are accounted for via the registration process. We ask for your cooperation in reporting absence as early as possible to help us provide the best security for your child's well-being.
The Main Office
The Office Manager and Administration staff are located within this office located in Room 1 of the Mansion House. If you have an appointment to see the Office Manager or administration staff, you should report to reception and they will come and collect you.
The Main Office is open
Monday - Friday (term time only) 0800 - 1600
There are limited staff within the building during school holidays. The telephone lines will be answered between 0900 - 1200 during all school holidays with the exception of the Christmas holidays.
For paper copies of any information contained on the School's website, please contact office@bishopshalt.hillingdon.sch.uk
Please refer to our behavioural policies which explain in detail the school's expectations of pupils. They also cover our rewards system and the sanctions which we apply should rules and expectations be infringed. If you have any queries or need clarification please do not hesitate to contact the Head of Year.
Parent Mail - PS Engage
We try very hard to keep parents regularly informed about what’s going on at the school, however, sending paper letters home can be rather ‘hit and miss’ with letters often going astray on the way! If we have your current email address we can contact you via our Parentmail system 'PS Engage' which:
- Speeds up communication to Parents and Carers and allow us to send information to the relevant contacts.
- Gives you important and urgent messages quickly.
- Tells you more about what's going on at school.
If you are not receiving emails from School, your details have changed or we do not have your current email address please email Office@bishopshalt.hillingdon.sch.uk.
Emails from PS Engage will show in your inbox as:
Please can you make sure this address is in our email contact list/email address book so these messages come directly into your inbox and not into spam.
Lost Property
All lost property is kept in the Pupils' Office. We keep lost property for one term and at the end of each term the property is disposed of.
Please ensure all of your child's possessions (including school uniform, PE kit and trainers) are clearly labelled.