Lower School Students

The Inclusion Faculty (SEND)

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Please find attached below our School's SEN information report.  This will provide you with information about the support you can expect to receive here at Bishopshalt. 

To read the School’s SEN Policy, please click here.

To read the School's SEN Report 2024/5, please click here.

Email contact for the Inclusion Faculty: senadmin@bishopshalt.school

Mrs S Knight
Head of the Inclusion Faculty (SENCo)


The Inclusion Faculty

The Inclusion Faculty at Bishopshalt School values and embraces the diversity of all of its learners and recognises that some will require more support than others to access a level playing field.  Our aim as a faculty is to minimise barriers to learning as far as possible and promote inclusivity across the whole curriculum so that our learners can secure the brightest of futures.

In keeping with its legal obligations, the Inclusion Faculty follows the guidance and procedures outlined in the ‘Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0-25 years' (2015) in addition to the school’s SEND policy.  A key principle is that all teachers and support staff have a role to play in identifying, assessing and meeting the needs of learners who have individual learning needs.  Every teacher is equipped to support learners with SEND.  As such, many learners will have their learning needs met within the ordinary classroom and within the normal routines of the school day without any further support required and without being placed on 'SEND support’ on the SEND Register.

For learners who do require increased, targeted interventions and possibly support from outside agencies, the Code of Practice highlights an approach which relies on a robust system of assessing learners’ needs, planning and implementing interventions, then reviewing learner progress towards their goals or set outcomes.  This continuous cycle of SEND support is known as the graduated approach.  For learners with substantially more complex needs, Education and Health Care Plans ensure learners' needs are met.  These procedures are set out in the school's 'Special Educational Needs Policy'.

To support the work of the Inclusion Faculty, a number of specialist staff are employed within the faculty. Led by the SENDCo, our team includes an Assistant SENDCo who coordinates all access arrangements and specialises in Dyslexia and a HLTA who also delivers ELSA (Emotional support).  We also have the support of a number of able and experienced teaching assistants as well as support from external agencies.  

The Inclusion Faculty provides advice, support and training to all teachers in the school, so that the needs of our learners are met across the curriculum whether this be to provide need specific training, support with assistive technology, provide pedagogical advice or create resources which will enable appropriate stretch and challenge for our learners.  Our work is closely aligned with that of the pastoral team in order to create a joined up approach to minimising barriers for all.  


Transferring to Secondary School

Starting at Secondary School is an exciting time, but it can also be a worrying time for children, and for their parents and carers.  At Primary School, your child’s class teacher has been a point of contact if they had any difficulties in or out of the classroom.  At Secondary School, your child will encounter many more teachers.  It can be less easy to find someone to talk to if they are experiencing difficulties in a subject area, or if they have had difficulties in the past, and you need to pass on information or talk to specific teachers.

The Inclusion Faculty can provide that link alongside your child’s Form Tutor and Year Tutor, and we will be keen to make sure that your child’s individual learning needs are met at Bishopshalt School.  At this time, regular contact between parents and the school will usually swiftly resolve any problems that arise, and will enable all children to feel secure, to enjoy learning, and to achieve their potential across the curriculum and wider aspects of school life.

Partnership with Parents

The Inclusion Faculty works closely with parents and carers, and sees this equal partnership as being vital if learners with individual learning needs are to make good progress.  Parents are invited to discuss the progress of their child and collaborate on ways forward in minimising barriers to learning.  

Teachers from the Inclusion Faculty are available for informal discussions at the Year 6 open evening, on the Year 6 intake day before transferring to secondary school, at the Year 7 welcome evening and progress meeting in the first half of the Autumn Term. Teachers from the Faculty will also be available at Parents’ Consultation Evenings for all year groups.  At other times, you are welcome to contact the school by telephone, and to request an appointment with the SENDCo or Assistant SENDCo if a more detailed discussion is required.


Our office is based in Almitas House on the school site. Almitas House is equipped with a small classroom for learners undertaking specific interventions.  


The following points summarise some key areas where the Faculty provides support for pupils with individual learning needs:

  • Assessment of baseline scores to establish level of support required.  
  • Development of dissemination of learner profiles so that staff are aware of key strategies to support learners with SEND
  • Home/school communication 
  • Lunchtime support with teaching assistants to develop social skills
  • Examination support for learners with individual learning needs in internal school examinations, end of key stage examinations and GCSEs, in accordance with examination board guidelines
  • Setting learning targets and monitoring and reviewing the progress of learners at informal and annual review meetings (for pupils with EHCPs)
  • Monitoring and evaluating the progress of all pupils with individual learning needs
  • Planned and targeted intervention for learners with specific needs such as literacy and numeracy
  • Emotional support through ELSA