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Exam Timetable Summer 2025
Please find below the link to the Examination Timetable Summer 2025
Information for Candidates 2024/25
- Internal Appeals Procedures
- Complaints Policy (Exams)
- Warning to Candidates
- Preparing to Sit Exams
- On-screen tests
- Written Examinations
- Non-Exam Assessments
- Bishopshalt Non-Exam Assessments Policy
- Coursework Assessments
- Privacy Notice
- Social Media
- Unauthorised Equipment
- AI and Assessments
- Exam Instructions to Candidates Video 2024/25
Links to Exam Boards and Specifications for Revision
The documents below outline the exam board and qualification type for each of the subjects we offer at GCSE and A Level. Links to the specifications for each qualification are included. The specifications outline the content that students need to know for their exams and should be used as an important tool for revision.
Links to exam board websites:
Summer 2025 Contingency Date
The awarding bodies have collectively agreed a contingency day for several years now which is always scheduled at the end of the GCSE and A level exam timetables.
The contingency day is in the event of national or significant local disruption to exams in the United Kingdom, being part of the awarding bodies’ standard contingency planning for exams.
Following the COVID-19 pandemic, further resilience was needed within the exam
timetables. A single contingency day was not felt to be sufficient if a national event or incident had a significant effect on the exam timetable. For example, summer exams could be affected by extremely high temperatures. Therefore, for the June 2025 exams, the two contingency sessions will be as follows:
The afternoon of Wednesday 11 June 2025 and
The morning and afternoon of Wednesday 25 June 2025.
You must consider the contingency day of Wednesday 25 June 2025 when making
your plans for the summer. Candidates must remain available until Wednesday 25
June 2025 should examinations need to be rescheduled.
Information for A Level & GCSE Results Days 2024/25
- Centre policy
- Results Day Dates
- A-levels, Level 3 Certs Extended Projects, Functional Skills
- 14 August 2025 - 08.15am in the Main Hall. Please enter by the South Gate.
- 14 August 2025 - 08.15am in the Main Hall. Please enter by the South Gate.
- GCSE, AQA Cert, Entry Level Cert
- 21 August 2025 -
09.00am Form 11C
09.15am Form 11D
09.30am Form 11E
09.45am Form 11M
10.00am Form 11S
10.15am Form 11W
- 21 August 2025 -
- A-levels, Level 3 Certs Extended Projects, Functional Skills
- Information for Candidates Summer 2025 Post Results Service (PRS) & Certificates
- PRS Form for Students - will be available later this year
- Certificates will be available in November 2025
- JCQ Documents
Contact the Bishopshalt Exams Office
Examinations Office
If you require any further details please do not hesitate to contact:
Ms Lisa Cookson - Examinations Officer
Tel: 01895 233909 ext 1305
Email: lcookson@bishopshalt.school