Parents' Calendar

A full list of all important dates and events can be found in the Parents' Calendar below.  Please note that sometimes throughout the year events are added, we therefore strongly recommend that parents regularly visit the website to ensure they are aware of any forthcoming important dates, or telephone the school office if you need further details.

Parents' Calendar KS3 (Years 7, 8 & 9) 2024/25

Parents' Calendar KS4 (Years 10 & 11) 2024/25

Parents' Calendar KS5 (Years 12 & 132024/25

Please note that Bishopshalt School is a non-faith fully inclusive setting. Whilst we are supportive of all religions, we ask that parents note that all students are required to fully participate in the curriculum at all times.  

The only exception to this is in accordance with the RSE Policy parents may request to withdraw their child from sex education.  This may be done by completing and submitting the form within the policy document which can be found on the Key Information page of this site.